Why I’m a Lifelong Trav’s Customer - Guest blog by Greg Hanson

Why I’m a Lifelong Trav’s Customer - Guest blog by Greg Hanson

I first started going to Trav’s Outfitter many, many years ago – back when you could get a pizza or a sub when you picked up your boots. I needed a nice western shirt for shows and they were the only pace that had what I wanted.

And then when I wanted nice cowboy boots to wear on stage, I went straight to Travas. He found me exactly what I needed.

I remember when I wanted to get a new straw hat, I went in to the store and I knew what I was looking for but just couldn’t see it. Travas asked me “well what are you looking for?”

So I told him and he said, ”I think I have exactly what you want in a storage shed.” Travas and I stopped right then and drove to the storage shed. We looked through what he had in the shed and found exactly what I wanted. And that’s still the hat I wear on stage today.

Later, when I realized I would need a real career, I needed a pair of work boots. Once again, I stopped in to Trav’s, knowing from experience they would get me exactly what I needed.

I knew they wouldn’t just try to sell me something. They would listen to what I needed and then get it for me. I knew I could trust what they would suggest – that they weren’t going to sell me something that wasn’t what I needed or that wouldn’t work for me. And that’s what I got – my first or many pair of Carolinas.

Now, with their incredible new store, I can find more than just boots, hats, and clothes for shows and work – now I can stop in for an outfit to take my wife out – there’s more in that store than I would have ever imagined!

Before, the reason I went to Trav’s was for a shirt for gigs, now I go there for work, for hey dudes, socks for my wife, work boots and shoes – basically any clothing or footwear I could need.

Out of all my experiences with Trav’s Outfitter, the one that stands out the most is when I went to Mike and said I needed a comfortable work shoe that I could pull on. I was telling him about my heel problem (plantar fasciitis) and he got me a pair of Steel Blues and a pair of insoles to go with them.

Let me tell you, these are the most comfortable work boots I’ve ever worn. And I know it’s because Mike asked me a lot of questions – he didn’t just show me a shoe to sell me one. He wanted to know exactly what I was looking for – he was truly not just trying to make a sale but to find something that would provide comfort for me in my day-to-day work.

We’re very blessed to have not only a store like Trav’s Outfitter, but a staff of people who are truly concerned with the well-being of their customers. You can’t get service like that almost anywhere.

Thanks for taking good care of me, and of all who walk through your doors, Trav’s!



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