Why I’m a Lifelong Trav’s Customer - Guest blog by Greg Hanson

Why I’m a Lifelong Trav’s Customer - Guest blog by Greg Hanson
I first started going to Trav’s Outfitter many, many years ago – back when you could get a pizza or a sub when you picked up your boots. I needed a...

Summer Fun

Summer Fun
My family moved to Watertown when I was in the 3rd grade. We moved in late September. Looking back, that gave me the school year to meet friends an...

Why we do what we do, part 3

Why we do what we do, part 3
It’s the Friday after Easter Sunday. I'm a bit late getting this written, but honestly have struggled with the topic for this blog. There are so ma...

History of Women’s Apparel at Trav’s

History of Women’s Apparel at Trav’s
Lady’s apparel, what a crazy ride it has been!  Years ago at my former job we entered the lady’s apparel business during the Garth Brooks era. High...

Time to ride

Time to ride
It's 52 and partly cloudy as I type this message. I would love to be on my motorcycle, maybe later this evening.   It has reached that time of year...

15th Annual Boot & Shoe Blowout

15th Annual Boot & Shoe Blowout
As I type this we are quickly heading to the back half of our biggest sale of the season: The Trav's Outfitter 15th Annual Boot and Shoe Blowout.  ...

A Little Spring Sale History

A Little Spring Sale History
Roll the clock back a few years.1986. I had been working at the store Uptown since the June prior. Marguerite decided that we needed to run a big s...

These Boots Designed by Trav’s

These Boots Designed by Trav’s
Not finding a boot you like? Just build one the way you want it! Over 20 years ago, I did just that. It wasn't that I couldn't find boots I liked, ...

Why Buy Premium Western Boots?

Why Buy Premium Western Boots?
In this blog I want to touch on the top of the top in western boots. Boots that are handcrafted. Boots that have full, thick leather insoles. Boots...
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